Frequently Asked Questions – escort near me


A: There are a couple of ways to book one of our lovely girls. You can call us or SMS by phone at +84 9 7777 5589 which is the easiest method. We are happy to serve you. We can connect you with the closest escort near you in the Ho Chi Minh area.

Call or SMS us, Our agency will offer you all the information on what girls are available. Most of our girls offer over night services also. 

 If the information is not provided on an escort’s profile, please contact us to find out which girls do overnight bookings. We will do our best to find a girl who can accomodate an overnight booking. 

Once you have decided to use Our service please make your deposit and appointment as soon as possible. You are advised to make a reservation wherever possible or you could call us directly.please call us or SMS and one of our communication supervisor will be most delighted to entertain you on the availability of our escorts, services and rates. Search google for escorts near me.

We could not provide great service to our customers if our girls were not safe and healthy. We are a responsible company and our girls are tested regularly. To ensure the safety of our girls and our clients, we also ask that you do not request unsafe activities that carry an extra risk of infection when on a booking with one of our escorts.